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Santamonica's Doctor/Dentist Webinar tomorrow.
2024-01-30 14:22:19
Posted By :  Admin1


Tomorrow at 8 pm, Santamonica, in collaboration with Malayalam Manorama, is conducting a free webinar for individuals aspiring to practice as doctors or dentists in the UK. Graduates with MBBS and BDS degrees will receive up to a 50% scholarship, along with comprehensive training for the PLAB ORE exam. The webinar will also explain the registration process with the General Medical Council/General Dental Council after studies, part-time job opportunities during studies, a two-year open work permit, current job opportunities and wages. 
At the helm of the webinar is the esteemed Dean of the School of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Ulster, UK. 
Register at www.santamonicaedu.in
Phone no: 9645222999, 0484-4150999

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