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Innovative 'Stenting' Procedure Restores Mobility for 78-Year-Old Maldivian with Vertebra Fracture
2024-03-22 10:22:53
Posted By :  Admin1



Thiruvananthapuram: A group of physicians at a private hospital effectively addressed osteoporotic fractures in a 78-year-old patient from the Maldives by employing a novel surgical technique akin to the stenting procedure used in cardiac cases. Given her advanced age, comorbidities, and fragile bones, the medical team chose to utilize a 'vertebral body stenting system,' involving the insertion of a small hole into the vertebral body with the aid of image guidance. Dr. Ranjith Unnikrishnan, the Consultant Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon at KIMSHEALTH in Trivandrum, who spearheaded the treatment, noted that the innovative stenting procedure enabled them to circumvent the need for a major open surgery. The patient, who had been grappling with severe and persistent pain, had sought treatment in the Maldives and various hospitals abroad due to abdominal discomfort initially misdiagnosed as gastroenterological issues. However, a comprehensive examination at KIMSHEALTH revealed a fractured L1 vertebra and osteoporosis as the underlying causes of her pain. According to Unnikrishnan, a specialized vertebral body stent was inserted into the fractured L1 vertebra through the pedicle, a small opening at the back, and expanded using a balloon, similar to cardiac angioplasty. This surgical technique, relatively recent in treating osteoporotic spine fractures, involves less invasiveness and minimizes complications with the aid of X-ray guidance. Initially, the stent is positioned at the fracture site to enhance stability and spine alignment. Subsequently, the inflation of the balloon inside the stent reinforces the inner walls of the vertebra, forming a protective ring for the spine. Following the two-hour procedure, the patient experienced immediate pain relief and regained the ability to walk without assistance, as reported by the doctor. Additionally, she was discharged the following day. Dr. MI Sahadulla, Chairman and Managing Director of KIMSHEALTH, emphasized the recent advancement represented by the vertebral body stenting system in spinal surgery. Without this innovative procedure, the patient would have required a major open surgery involving multiple screws and cement in the vertebrae, Sahadulla explained. He further highlighted that this novel technique enhances stability and alignment, protects the nerves, and provides a safe and effective solution for individuals with spinal issues. The World Health Organization notes that over 39 percent of women above 70 years old suffer from osteoporosis.


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