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Patel Chest Director Honored with ATS Public Service Award
2024-03-21 12:01:55
Posted By :  Admin1


The ATS Awards Committee has honored Prof. Raj Kumar, Director of the Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute (VPCI), with the prestigious ATS Public Service Award at the ATS 2024 International Conference in San Diego, California. This recognition celebrates Prof. Kumar's exceptional dedication to public health and air quality improvement, highlighting his leadership in tobacco cessation, lung disease prevention, and the promotion of respiratory health equity. The award acknowledges his outstanding contributions in advancing initiatives related to air quality enhancement, tobacco control, communicable respiratory disease management, and critical care, earning him the respect and admiration of his peers and the wider healthcare community. For over twenty years, Prof. Raj Kumar has been a leading figure in the fight against lung-related illnesses and the enhancement of air quality standards. As the Director of Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, he has initiated numerous campaigns to promote tobacco cessation and raise awareness about respiratory health. Prof. Kumar's dedication to this cause is underscored by his generous contribution of over Rs. 5 lakhs towards tobacco cessation efforts. Among his notable achievements is the establishment of India's inaugural quitline service, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at aiding individuals on their journey to quit tobacco. His visionary proposal for the quitline, presented in 2014, gained considerable traction and support, leading to its official inauguration on May 30, 2016, by the esteemed Shri Jai Prakash Nadda, former Union Health Minister. Since its inception, the quitline service, with Prof. Kumar as its Principal Investigator, has been instrumental in providing crucial assistance to numerous individuals striving to overcome tobacco addiction, with him serving as a pivotal driving force behind its success. Additionally, Prof. Raj Kumar's advocacy efforts have resulted in the inclusion of a toll-free quitline number (1800112356) on the packaging of all tobacco products, aligning with government regulations and extending the reach and effectiveness of tobacco cessation interventions. Prof. Kumar's relentless commitment to public service and his significant contributions to respiratory health and tobacco control exemplify the essence of the ATS Public Service Award. His outstanding leadership and steadfast dedication inspire healthcare professionals globally, emphasizing the necessity of collaborative efforts in tackling urgent public health issues.

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