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High Court Sets Aside Interim Order
2024-03-22 10:55:41
Posted By :  Admin1


Kochi: The division bench of the high court overturned the single bench's decision allowing Dr. EA Ruwise, a medical postgraduate student accused in a case concerning the suicide of a fellow student, to resume the course. In their ruling on the appeal filed by the principal of Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, and others, Chief Justice AJ Desai and Justice VG Arun clarified that the order was reversed because the appellants hadn't been given adequate opportunity to present their arguments before the single judge. The division bench instructed that the ongoing disciplinary proceedings against Ruwise must be concluded within a week. Following the conclusion, officials are required to submit an additional counter affidavit before the single judge within four days. Additionally, the single judge was urged to expedite the decision on the petition. The case revolves around allegations that Ruwise, a student at the medical college in Thiruvananthapuram, had a relationship with Dr. Shahana, also a student at the same college, who tragically committed suicide on December 4, 2023. Her family lodged a complaint accusing Ruwise of demanding a large dowry for their marriage, leading to his arrest by the police. He was later released on bail after the High Court issued an order. Subsequently, the medical college authorities suspended him from the course, prompting him to seek recourse in court. The single bench temporarily halted the suspension order and directed the respondents to issue a decision within a week to allow him to resume his studies. In response, the principal of the medical college and others filed an appeal before the division bench, contesting the interim order and alleging that it would adversely affect the academic environment within the college.


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