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Pune Doctors Successfully Perform Life-Saving Surgery on 4-Year-Old Boy with Twisted Intestines
2024-04-27 13:12:51
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New Delhi: In Pune, doctors have successfully saved the life of a four-year-old boy named Sankalp through a complex surgery to address Midgut Volvulus, a serious condition characterized by the twisting of the intestines. This condition, commonly found in infants and young children, is often linked to a congenital abnormality of the intestines, leaving the child vulnerable to sudden and severe twisting of the intestinal tract. Initial symptoms typically include upper abdominal distension, bilious vomiting, and abdominal tenderness, which can quickly escalate if not promptly diagnosed and treated.

Sankalp's case was particularly critical upon admission to Surya Mother and Child Hospital in Pune. He presented with wasted muscles, a severely bloated abdomen, and signs of dehydration, indicating an advanced stage of the condition. Sachin Shah, the Director of Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Services at the hospital, emphasized the challenges associated with delayed detection of midgut volvulus, as it heightens the risks and complicates treatment, often leading to a high fatality rate.

Prior to arriving in Pune, Sankalp had undergone initial treatment at a tertiary care hospital in Varanasi, where he underwent surgery. However, his recovery was marred by complications, necessitating multiple corrective surgeries that failed to yield significant improvements. Despite exhaustive efforts, Sankalp's health continued to decline, prompting medical professionals to express doubts about the efficacy of further interventions.

Through the dedicated efforts of the medical team at Surya Mother and Child Hospital in Pune, Sankalp underwent a successful surgical procedure, marking a turning point in his battle against midgut volvulus. This remarkable feat underscores the importance of timely diagnosis and intervention in managing such life-threatening conditions, offering hope for patients and their families facing similar challenges.

At the Pune hospital, Sankalp's medical team conducted a thorough assessment of his condition and determined that a re-surgery was necessary to address his critical state. During the subsequent extensive four-hour procedure, the surgical team encountered adhesions within Sankalp's abdomen, which had caused significant adherence of the intestines, severely impeding their function.

Despite the complexity of the situation, the surgical team meticulously navigated through the adhesions, successfully separating the intestines, repairing the damage, and restoring their functionality during the extensive surgery, as recounted by Sachin. Sankalp's resilience was evident as he began to show signs of improvement within an astonishing 48 hours post-surgery.

Following the operation, Sankalp underwent a careful recovery process, abstaining from solid food for six days before being able to gradually resume a normal diet. This milestone marked a significant step forward in his journey toward health and recovery.

After ten days of monitoring and care, Sankalp was discharged from the hospital. The medical team remained vigilant, closely monitoring his progress over the subsequent three months. Upon achieving healthy weight gain and showing consistent improvement during the follow-up period, Sankalp was deemed fit for discharge, marking the successful conclusion of his treatment journey under the hospital's care.


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