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211 doctors to receive honors from the Markaz Unani Medical College next Saturday
2024-02-16 18:08:24
Posted By :  Admin1


211 doctors who completed their studies at Markaz Unani Medical College will receive honors on Saturday, February 17, 2024. Among them are four graduates who completed their studies under the Kerala Health University and the Central Commission for Indian Systems of Medicine. The convocation ceremony, where honors will be conferred, is set to take place at the Valencia Gallery in Marques Knowledge City, with Dr. R. Bindu, Minister of Higher Education, delivering the inaugural address. Linto Joseph M. L. A. will preside over the event. The honorees include individuals engaged in continued studies abroad as well as those serving in government and private sectors across various fields. The chairmanship will be held by Principal Prof. Shahul Hameed. Advocates Tanveer Umar, Dr. Sayyid Nisam Rahman, Yousuf Noorani, H.O.D. Dr. Salma Banu, Dr. Sahoorulla, Dr. Unwan, and Administrator T.P. Raheem are also associated. Markaz Unani Medical College, operating in Markaz Knowledge City for the past nine years, is the sole Unani Medical College in Kerala. Other than Kerala, students from Uttarakhand, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu has also completed the course. Currently, around 300 students from 10 states are pursuing medical degree from Markaz Unani Medical College.

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