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Groundbreaking Treatment by Mumbai Physicians for Woman with Rare Ewing’s Sarcoma of Breast.
2024-02-09 11:49:17
Posted By :  Admin1


Mumbai: After successful treatment by doctors in Mumbai, a 48-year-old woman with rare Ewing’s sarcoma of the right breast has been granted a new lease on life. Ewing’s sarcoma or PNET (primitive neuroectoderm tumor) is a rare type of cancerous round cell tumor that affects both bone and soft tissue, primarily occurring in children and young adolescents. As per a study published in the Annals of Clinical Case Reports in July 2022, the worldwide occurrence of Ewing’s sarcoma of the breast is limited, with only 15 reported cases documented. Ewing’s sarcoma of the breast carries a fatal prognosis when tumors are very large or have metastasized beyond the breast. In October 2023, Pratiksha Mane sought medical attention at the OPD of Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre, Mumbai, for a painless, mobile lump in the right upper quadrant of her breast. Despite its large size, the tumor was deemed resectable and non-metastatic. Following a PET CT scan confirming the disease was localized to the right breast with no spread elsewhere in the body, doctors opted for breast conservation surgery after a thorough evaluation. In a single procedure, the surgery involved removing the tumor with wide margins and reconstructing the breast using the patient's own muscle and skin from the back. The multidisciplinary team of doctors, led by Satish Rao, Consultant Surgical Oncology at the hospital, described Mane's recovery as uncomplicated, allowing her to be discharged within a week following the highly successful procedure. In a statement, Mane expressed delight over the successful surgery and the positive cosmetic outcomes achieved. She emphasized the collaborative approach of the team and her own preference for breast conservation, both of which were instrumental in determining the treatment plan. The conclusive histopathology report verified that the excised lesion was indeed Ewing’s sarcoma of the right breast, with clear margins and a tumor-free base. Currently, Mane is undergoing radiation therapy and may potentially need chemotherapy in the future.

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