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Gujarat Doctor provides Monthly Free Medicines to Support 10,000 senior citizens
2024-03-07 10:49:55
Posted By :  Admin1



Surat (Gujarat): Dr. Milind Ghael, based in Surat, has been quietly changing lives through his nonprofit organization, the "Akhand Bharat Akhand Healthcare Foundation." His goal is to provide accessible and affordable healthcare to all, with a particular emphasis on the most vulnerable population, including senior citizens. Dr. Milind Ghael explains that individuals or organizations can register on the ABAH website or app to receive a unique "Bharat Social Security Number" (BSSN) for accessing services. Through the initiative "Bharat Social Security for Senior Citizens," 10,000 seniors in Gujarat receive free essential medicines monthly, delivered to their doorsteps by the postal department. This service significantly reduces the financial strain on elderly individuals who often face challenges in affording necessary medications. Dr. Milind recounted, "The inspiration struck me when I witnessed an elderly couple exchanging gold bangles to buy medicine. This occurred while I was practicing in Mumbai, and it deeply shook me." Dr. Ghael advocates for a digitalized healthcare system that separates affordability from essential care. His foundation, through the "Bharat One Nation One Medicine" service, provides medicines for chronic diseases at a 50% discounted rate to patients of all ages, regardless of their income. Furthermore, his impact extends to hospitals in rural and urban areas certified with ABAH under the "Bharat Hospital Connect" service, enabling them to upgrade their infrastructure. Dr. Ghael advocates for a digitalized healthcare system that separates affordability from essential care. His foundation, through the "Bharat One Nation One Medicine" service, provides medicines for chronic diseases at a 50% discounted rate to patients of all ages, regardless of their income. Furthermore, his impact extends to hospitals in rural and urban areas certified with ABAH under the "Bharat Hospital Connect" service, enabling them to upgrade their infrastructure. Through innovative crowdfunding initiatives, the foundation empowers communities to contribute to the advancement of hospital infrastructure. Under the "Bharat Patient Connect" initiative, registered BSSN patients aged above 60 years and below 18 years, admitted in general hospital wards, can access financial aid through crowd-funding via the user-friendly ABAH website or dedicated ABAH application. This initiative by Dr. Ghael's foundation aims to cultivate a comprehensive healthcare ecosystem by fostering collaboration among employees, ordinary citizens, healthcare professionals, and medical institutions. Driven by an unyielding commitment to extend assistance to more individuals, Dr. Ghael is now directing his efforts towards national expansion. "We've been engaging with major players in the pharmaceutical industry and potential donors to expand our efforts nationwide," explains Dr. Ghael. His narrative embodies compassion, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to fostering a healthier nation through the establishment of an integrated National Healthcare system in India.


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