Microsoft has launched Dragon Copilot, an AI-powered voice assistant designed to help healthcare professionals with their daily tasks. This tool combines the voice dictation features of Dragon Medical One with the ambient listening capabilities of DAX Copilot, both developed by Nuance, a company Microsoft acquired in 2021. Dragon Copilot aims to reduce administrative burdens by automating tasks such as note-taking, summarizing clinical evidence, and generating referral letters.
The assistant offers features like multilingual ambient note creation and natural language dictation, allowing clinicians to document patient interactions more efficiently. It also enables general medical information searches from trusted sources, providing quick access to relevant data during consultations. By streamlining these processes, Microsoft hopes to improve patient care and reduce burnout among healthcare providers.
Microsoft emphasizes its commitment to responsible AI development, ensuring that Dragon Copilot complies with healthcare data safeguards for accurate and safe outputs. This initiative reflects a broader trend in the industry, with companies like Google also integrating AI into healthcare to enhance efficiency and accuracy.
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