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Precautionary Measures Taken by Lucknow Hospitals for Holi Medical Emergencies
2024-03-23 17:49:14
Posted By :  Admin1


Hospitals in Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, are preparing for an anticipated surge in patients during the Holi festival. Dr. Manoj Agrawal, the chief medical officer of Lucknow, has instructed all hospitals to ensure the availability of senior consultants and para-medical staff to handle any medical emergencies, particularly over the 48-hour period spanning Sunday and Monday. In addition to regular emergency and outpatient services, approximately 100 beds across various government hospitals will be reserved for this purpose. Notably, King George’s Medical University (KGMU) trauma center will allocate 20 beds, while the Civil Hospital plans to reserve 15 beds specifically for emergency cases. Prof. Sandip Tiwari, head of the trauma surgery department and chief medical superintendent at KGMU's trauma center, stated, "Senior residents from each department unit have been assigned duties to ensure doctors from all branches remain on call during Holi, especially as the peak starts from the afternoon. Therefore, everyone has been instructed to remain on high alert." Dr. NB Singh, chief medical superintendent of Balrampur Hospital, mentioned, "We have prepared a roster for our emergency wing, with an eye specialist, a general surgeon, a dermatologist, and an orthopedic surgeon available round the clock. Our primary focus is to ensure a team of different specialists is available on Monday, as past experiences have shown an increase in accident cases on Holi day." He also stated, "A helpline number, 9118455570, will be available to assist injured individuals, with doctors on emergency duty answering calls." TVSK Reddy, senior vice president of Emri Green Health Services, responsible for the 108 ambulance service, mentioned, "In Lucknow, 44 ambulances under the 108 service and 34 ambulances under the 102 service for pregnant women will be on high alert." Dr. Ajai Shankar Tripathi, medical superintendent of Lok Bandhu Hospital, affirmed, "Beds will be reserved to address emergency cases during the two days of festivities, with our teams instructed to remain vigilant." Additionally, medical teams at Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Civil Hospital, and BRD Mahanagar Hospital have been put on alert. In cases of emergency, individuals can dial 108 or 112 for assistance in reaching a medical center.

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