Ludhiana: The Ludhiana police have filed two additional FIRs, each for extorting Rs 2 crore from a doctor and a businessman in the city. The first case, reported by Sarabha Nagar police station, names Tajinderpal and Amritpal as the accused, identified from their residence in MIG Flats and Mullanpur. Dr. Daman Makkar, a resident of Jeewanpreet Nagar, lodged the complaint. Interestingly, these same accused were previously arrested on April 19 for extorting Rs 3 crore from industrialist Gaurav Mittal. In Dr. Makkar's case, he reported being followed by a Toyota Fortuner last December and subsequently receiving extortion calls and messages from foreign numbers, threatening harm to him and his family if he didn't pay up. The accused even sent photos of his family, taken when they were outside, to intimidate him. The second FIR, filed by Model Town police station, implicates unknown individuals, but the mobile number and Toyota Fortuner registration suggest Tajinderpal and Amritpal's involvement in these extortion attempts. Gaurav Virmani, residing in Model Town, reported to the police that he received an extortion call demanding Rs 2 crore from a foreign number on January 27, shortly after being followed by a Toyota Fortuner. Then, on April 8, he received another call demanding the same amount. Suspecting the involvement of Amritpal and Tajinderpal, Virmani filed a complaint, leading to the registration of a case against unknown individuals. ASI Pardeep Kumar, the investigating officer, noted circumstantial evidence pointing towards the involvement of Amritpal and Tajinderpal in the case.
Seoul: Prime Minister Han Duck-soo stated that the government remains adaptable regarding its plan to raise the medical school admissions quota next year amidst an ongoing strike by trainee doctors opposing the proposal.
ചൈന: ചൈനയിലെ ഡോക്ടർമാർ ഒരു ഓപ്പറേഷൻ ചെയ്യുന്നതിനിടെ ഒരു സ്ത്രീയുടെ കണ്ണുകളിൽ നിന്ന് 60 ലധികം ജീവനുള്ള വിരകളെ പുറത്തെടുത്തു.
ലണ്ടൻ: ഫ്ലൈറ്റിൽ വെച്ച് ൭൦ വയസ്സുകാരിയായ ഒരു സ്ത്രീയുടെ ജീവൻ രക്ഷിച്ച് ഡോക്ടർ. ആപ്പിൾ വാച്ചിൻ്റെ ബ്ലഡ് ഓക്സിജൻ മോണിറ്റർ ഫീച്ചറാണ് സ്ത്രീയുടെ ജീവൻ രക്ഷിക്കുന്നതിൽ ഡോക്ടറെ സഹായിച്ച പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ട ഘടകം.
South Korean authorities are set to suspend the licenses of two senior doctors for supposedly encouraging the weeks-long walkouts by thousands of medical interns and residents, which have caused disruptions in hospital operations, as reported by one of the doctors on Monday.
Seoul (South Korea): Medical professors in South Korea have announced their intention to reduce their practice hours starting on Monday in solidarity with trainee doctors who have been on strike for over a month.
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