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Karnataka Doctor Loses Rs 16.50 Lakh in Online Fraud
2024-04-02 11:21:29
Posted By :  Admin1


Mangaluru: A 69-year-old doctor residing in Bolwar, Puttur, fell victim to a sophisticated cybercrime, losing Rs 16.50 lakh in the process. Dr. Chidambar Adiga reported that on March 28, he received a call from an unfamiliar number. The caller, claiming to be a police officer from Delhi, informed Dr. Adiga that an arrest warrant had been issued against him by a Delhi CBI court for alleged involvement in drug-related offenses, money laundering, and human trafficking. The caller presented two options: either Dr. Adiga could appear in person before the Delhi CBI court or participate in an online court hearing. Opting for the latter, Dr. Adiga was instructed to transfer funds from his bank account to an account provided by the caller, with the assurance that the amount would be refunded after the court proceedings. After sharing documents related to the alleged case via WhatsApp, the caller successfully deceived the complainant into transferring Rs 16.50 lakh through RTGS to the provided account. Subsequently, the caller made further demands for additional funds, prompting the complainant to confide in a friend. Upon realization of the scam, the complainant decided to file an official complaint. Consequently, authorities registered a case under IPC sections 406, 419, 420, and Sections 66(C) and 66(D) of the IT Act.

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