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Impact of Doctor Transfers on MCH and General Hospital in Kozhikode
2024-03-06 18:59:30
Posted By :  Admin1


Transfers of senior resident doctors and consultant doctors have reportedly affected the operations of the Government Medical College Hospital (MCH) and the Government General Hospital, the two primary public healthcare institutions in Kozhikode city. Sources indicate that the Directorate of Medical Education has instructed a group of seven senior resident doctors from the medical college hospital to be assigned to the Government Medical College Hospital in Wayanad for a month, spanning from February 22 to May 21. The initial group has already commenced their service. Among the seven doctors, two are from the department of Gynaecology, and one each from Anaesthesia, General Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopaedics, and Paediatrics. Sources further mention that the transfer order was issued with a stern warning of disciplinary action if the resident doctors declined to adhere to the directive.

 This sudden decision, however, has reportedly impacted patient care at the bustling medical college hospital in Kozhikode, which is already grappling with a shortage of doctors. Previously, authorities resorted to deploying resident doctors to alleviate the crisis. Allegations suggest that the transfer was prompted by criticism regarding inadequate infrastructure at the medical college hospital located in Mananthavady, Wayanad. The deficiencies in facilities there garnered attention following the recent death of a farmer who fell victim to a tiger attack. Furthermore, it is claimed that this move should be considered in light of the upcoming annual inspections by the National Medical Commission, expected to take place between February and March. At the General Hospital, also known as the 'Beach Hospital', outpatient (OP) services at the General Surgery department have been reduced due to the transfer of two consultant doctors. Despite the government's directive to transfer these doctors being issued in June of the previous year, they were initially asked to stay on due to staff shortages. However, authorities opted to enforce the order on February 28. One doctor has been reassigned to the Government District Hospital in Vadakara, while the other has been transferred to the Government General Hospital in Thalassery, Kannur. With their positions still vacant, the department is currently operating with only two doctors. To address the situation, the hospital management has decided to limit OP services to Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, while surgeries will only take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Previously, OP services were available six days a week, with an average of 150 to 180 surgeries conducted monthly. Additionally, the ENT department is facing staffing challenges, as the position left vacant by a retired senior doctor has not been filled. There is a growing demand to create new positions and appoint more doctors at the hospital, given the increasing number of patients seeking OP services and admission.


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