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Rare Surgical Procedure Performed on Critically-Ill Youth by Kerala Hospital
2024-02-27 10:32:30
Posted By :  Admin1


Thiruvananthapuram: A leading private hospital in Thiruvananthapuram performed the percutaneous mesocaval shunt procedure, just the third such surgery in the country. The procedure was carried out on a critically ill 25-year-old suffering from a rare abdominal disease, who arrived at the hospital experiencing unbearable pain, as stated by KIMS Hospital authorities. After a thorough examination, it was discovered that the patient's esophageal blood vessels were at risk of rupture. The procedure was conducted through a small pinhole, avoiding complex surgical methods. Doctors at KIMS Hospital noted that the patient developed this condition due to a blockage in the portal vein, responsible for transporting blood from the intestine to the liver. The blockage led to elevated blood pressure in the patient's portal vein and esophageal veins, who had previously undergone a splenectomy. Manish Kumar Yadav, Senior Consultant in the Neurointerventional Radiology Department, spearheaded the procedure, which was conducted without traditional surgical methods. Yadav stated that the three-hour procedure involved inserting a tube-like shunt between the portal vein and the inferior vena cava, which carries blood from the lower and middle body to the heart's right atrium. He highlighted the use of intravascular and abdominal ultrasound for precise execution, noting that besides relieving portal hypertension, it eliminated the risk of esophageal vein bleeding. Yadav added that the patient is recovering satisfactorily.


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