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Tamil Nadu Doctor Plans Legal Action Against Government Job Test Notification
2024-03-20 14:42:02
Posted By :  Admin1


Aspirants of the Medical Services Recruitment Board (MRB) exam in Tamil Nadu are preparing to take legal action against the Health Department. They demand that the department fill the 1,251 vacant posts with candidates who cleared the MRB exam held in April 2023, instead of initiating a fresh recruitment process. In the last MRB exam, conducted in 2023 after a gap of five years for 1,021 assistant surgeon posts, a significant number of candidates appeared. Out of approximately 1,600 candidates called for these posts, only 777 were appointed, leaving many positions unfilled. On Friday, March 15, the Medical Services Recruitment Board (MRB) released a new notification for 2,553 assistant surgeon posts. Dr. Parthiban Shivan, an MRB aspirant, voiced his intention to challenge the new notification, citing that issuing new notifications before filling previously notified posts is against the rules. He stated his intent to seek legal recourse against this decision. It's worth noting that earlier, doctors had approached the Madras High Court requesting an increase in the number of vacancies notified for the April 2023 exam. This request stemmed from the allocation of five grace marks to doctors who served during the COVID-19 pandemic in the MRB 2023 exams. Dr. Parthiban Shivan, who filed a writ petition in February 2024, highlighted the significant impact of these grace marks on the merit list, creating a disadvantage for doctors who achieved scores based solely on merit. The Madras High Court, in a judgment on February 14, 2024, instructed the Health Department to review the petitioner's representation and take appropriate action within four weeks. However, as of now, the aspirants claim that no action has been taken on these grounds.


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