Outbreak of Nipah virus encephalitis in the Kerala state of India
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ലോക അവയവദാന ദിനം
Researchers at the University of Queensland have discovered a significant correlation between delirium in older patients and the likelihood of developing dementia, with those experiencing delirium being three times more likely to develop dementia.
New Delhi: In the realm of India's educational landscape, few obstacles rival the National Eligibility and Entrance Test (NEET). This rigorous examination serves as a formidable barrier, permitting only a select few to overcome its challenges.
നിപ്പ വൈറസിനെ പ്രതിരോധിക്കാൻ ചെയ്യേണ്ടതെന്തെല്ലാം?
Recent research conducted by a collaborative team including Professor Hyung Joon Cha from the Department of Chemical Engineering and the School of Convergence Science and Technology.
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