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Delhi Army Hospital Saves 8-Year-Old Boy's Life with Cardiac Procedure
2024-03-08 11:12:02
Posted By :  Admin1


New Delhi: An Army hospital in Delhi Cantonment has recently provided a young boy from Baramullah, Jammu and Kashmir, with a new lease on life. Through a challenging cardiac procedure, the pediatric cardiology team of the Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS) achieved a significant medical milestone by successfully performing a high-risk transcatheter (non-surgical) intervention, as announced by the defense ministry. The procedure was conducted on an eight-year-old civilian boy from Baramullah, Jammu and Kashmir, who had a severe narrowing of the aorta, which compromised blood supply to several vital organs and led to reduced heart function.

The intricate procedure was performed through a small incision in the groin and required the implantation of a large stent. Despite being extremely life-threatening, the procedure proceeded smoothly, and the child was discharged within three days without any visible scarring, according to the statement. Under 'Operation Sadbhavna' in Jammu and Kashmir, the boy was brought to this center by the Indian Army's Dagger Division, as his family lacked the means to afford his treatment, stated the ministry. Through the combined efforts of Army Hospital (R&R), New Delhi, Chinaar Corps/Dagger Division, J&K, and the Indrani Balan Foundation, Pune, the boy is now set to lead a normal life in the future. 

The expertise required to perform such a complex procedure is limited to only a few centers in the country, including the Army Hospital (R&R) in Delhi, the statement added


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