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The Health Minister has disclosed that more than 40,000 cases have been filed against unsafe protein powders and dietary supplements.
2023-08-06 13:45:47
Posted By :  Admin1


CNBCTV    05 August 2023


According to information provided by Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya, the Union Health Minister, there was a significant increase in legal actions taken against the sale of unsafe dietary supplements and protein powders in the market during the year 2022-23. More than 40,000 cases were filed, comprising 38,053 civil cases and 4,817 cases registered for non-conforming food samples, including dietary supplements and protein powders. This represented a notable surge from the 28,906 civil cases filed in the previous year, 2021-22.


The responsibility for monitoring food quality falls under the jurisdiction of State/Union Territory governments, who act in accordance with the Food Safety and Standards (FSS) Act, 2006. Food samples, such as protein powder and dietary supplements, are sent to laboratories recognized by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) for analysis. If these samples are found to be non-conforming to the food safety standards set by FSSAI, penal provisions are applied.


In an effort to address the issue further, in March 2023, the FSSAI issued a directive to the Commissioner of Food Safety in all Union Territories and states, along with Central Licensing Authorities and Regional Directors, to conduct a special enforcement drive for Nutraceutical/Health Supplements products sold in the market that did not comply with the rules and regulations.

During this enforcement drive, out of 1,229 samples tested, 202 were found to be non-compliant with the respective food product standards set by FSSAI.



(Source:https://www.cnbctv18.com/healthcare/over-40000-cases-filed-against-sale-of-unsafe-protein-powders-dietary-supplements-health-minister-17437521.htm )


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