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2023-12-04 18:30:32
Posted By :  Admin1


The prefix “Dr.” is not only gender neutral but is also silent on all other forms of identities with any particular section / religion of the society. Our oath and duty as Doctors is to serve all of humanity, and not any particular religion. Our only religion is humanity. The Geneva Declaration also underlines this universal nature of our profession. It is for this reason that even in war zones, Doctors and Hospitals are given a special status. The profession of medicine and the responsibilities to be discharged by doctors is for patient care and management and for curing human beings from any ailment, all over the globe. Such service to the mankind and to the human race does not deserve to be indicated and / or identified by any particular religion. The only religion for the practice of medicine by the doctors is to be serve the mankind. That is the paramount focus to be possessed by doctors in their approach as well as actions in discharging their duties unimpacted by any indication of any particular religion. It does not require any emphasis that any kind of depiction with regard to the profession of medicine either individually or any statutory or non-statutory authority or any association of doctors etc. – has to be religion neutral. There cannot be any depiction any emblem / logo relating to doctors individually and / or any association or statutory authority etc. All institutions representing the medical profession have a duty to ensure that they reflect this oath of Doctors towards all of humanity. The entire medical fraternity in India is sadly disturbed by the approach now adopted by the National Medical Commission in giving up adherence to such noble principles connected with the identity of doctors individually and the institution(s) belonging to the field of medicine serving masses all over the globe. The NMC has adopted a new logo with religious depiction contained therein. The new logo of the NMC is in contradiction with our fundamental values as Doctors. It is not in conformity with the oath and duty of Doctors, which is not towards any particular religion. Such a logo is also inconsistent with the dignity and decorum of an institution such as the NMC. In a country such as ours, unity in diversity is a beautiful characteristic of our nation. The unity in diversity is the part of most fundamental values in our society. The logo of any national institution ought to capture the aspirations of all our citizens in an equal manner and by remaining neutral in all respects thereby eliminating any possibility of any part / section of the society feeling aggrieved in any manner. The IMA is constrained / compelled to express its strong objection and disapproval of the new

logo adopted by the NMC, which is contrary to our fundamental ethos and values carried on for centuries by our great nation. The IMA calls upon the NMC to take corrective steps to adopt a logo which does not contradict the oath and duty of Doctors, towards all our citizens with complete neutrality especially in shunning any attempt to connect and / or identify the institution such as NMC with any particular religion. NMC as of today has done precious little to better medical education in the country. The medical institutions in India have continuously created global citizens and global doctors. The great leaders who are in control and are guiding and leading the governance of our great nation are urged with all humility that the Government of India should put an end to the deviant running of the NMC by recasting this premier national institution. The restoration of the logo hitherto and / or an adoption of any religion neutral logo, is the need of the hour requiring appropriate decision to be taken by the concerned authorities expeditiously.

Dr. Sharad Kumar Agarwal National President, IMA

Dr. Anilkumar J. Nayak Honorary Secretary General, IM


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