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Tirur Rapid Response Team: Operation Started.
2023-07-06 14:18:05
Posted By :  Admin1


Tirur: The rapid response team formed as a result of the Thanur boat accident has officially started their operations. The Tirur IMA section formed a 50 member rapid response team in connection with the Thanur boat disaster. The team conducted a preliminary meeting and the meeting was held at the conference hall of the Taluk Hospital. Tirur Municipal chairman K.P Muammed Kutty was the chairman in the meeting and the North Zone vice president Dr. A.I Kamarudheen performed the official inauguration of the team’s operations. The rapid response team convener Dr.Ashwini Kumar delivered the welcome speech and the team chairman Dr.Aboobacker delivered the vote of thanks in the meeting. Retired naval commander Ashley Derrick and Dr.Javith, MES medical college emergency department, took classes. Dr.Subin (Malappuram Deputy DMO), Dr.Prabhudas (Taluk hospital superintendent), Dr.ShahJahan (Tirur IMA president), Dr.Hasna (Rapid response team secretary), Dr.Aboobacker (Rapid response team convener), and C.P Ismail (Municipality health standing committee chairman) participated in this imperative meeting. The rapid response team is a joint venture of the IMA and the Municipality DMO. The team decided to be more active and expand their operations further with the help of police and fire force.


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