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Dr. Gottipati Lakshmi Halts Election Campaign to Perform Emergency Caesarian Section
2024-04-25 13:24:41
Posted By :  Admin1


Dr. Gottipati Lakshmi, a gynecologist and Telugu Desam Party (TDP) candidate for the Darsi Assembly constituency in Prakasam district, displayed exemplary dedication to her profession and community during her election campaign. Despite the demanding schedule of her campaign, Dr. Lakshmi suspended her activities when she received an urgent call for assistance from a private hospital located approximately 20 km away. The hospital urgently required her expertise to perform an emergency cesarean section for Venkata Ramana, a pregnant woman from Abbayipalem village, whose condition was critical due to dangerously low levels of amniotic fluid and fluctuating fetal heartbeats. Recognizing the gravity of the situation and prioritizing the health and well-being of the mother and baby, Dr. Lakshmi promptly responded to the SOS call. Upon arriving at the hospital, Dr. Lakshmi swiftly assessed the situation and proceeded to perform the cesarean section, ensuring a safe delivery for both mother and baby. Her quick action and expertise averted potential complications and risks associated with delayed intervention, safeguarding the lives of both the mother and child. When contacted, Dr. Lakshmi expressed her unwavering commitment to saving lives, emphasizing that her foremost priority is fulfilling her duty as a healthcare professional. She humbly acknowledged the importance of temporarily pausing her election campaign to respond to the urgent medical need, stating that the well-being of patients takes precedence over political endeavors. Despite the interruption to her campaign schedule, Dr. Lakshmi remained dedicated to her constituents and continued to engage in rigorous campaigning from early morning until late at night. She acknowledged the demanding nature of the campaign trail but remained steadfast in her commitment to serving the community and addressing their needs. Dr. Gottipati Lakshmi's selfless act of prioritizing the health and safety of her constituents exemplifies her dedication to both her profession as a gynecologist and her role as a political candidate. Her actions not only saved lives but also garnered appreciation and support from the local community, underscoring her reputation as a compassionate and responsible leader.

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