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GT Hospital to Introduce Voice Surgery Services for Transgender Patients
2024-03-15 11:57:17
Posted By :  Admin1


Mumbai: The Gokuldas Tejpal Hospital in Dhobi Talao is expanding its services by introducing a specialized voice surgery clinic to complement its existing transgender clinic, established a year ago. This new facility aims to support individuals who have undergone gender reassignment surgery by addressing the vital aspect of vocal expression in affirming gender identity. Dr. Nupur Nerurkar, an ENT surgeon with over two decades of experience in voice surgery, will provide 'feminizing' or 'masculinizing' voice procedures at Gokuldas Tejpal Hospital. These procedures have traditionally been costly and difficult to access in private healthcare settings. The voice surgery clinic will operate every Tuesday and Thursday under the ENT department. Dr. Pallavi Saple, Dean of JJ Group of hospitals, noted that GT was the first state hospital to establish a transgender ward. The newly introduced voice surgery facility will offer the trans voice endoscopic Wendler feminization surgery, an advanced technique combining voice modification and endoscopic methods to enhance feminization in transgender individuals, free of charge. Rahul Narvekar, the speaker of the Legislative Assembly, urged transgender individuals across the state, not just in Mumbai, to avail themselves of this government-provided facility.

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