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Woman Survives Cardiac Arrest at Polling Station Thanks to Doctor's Quick Intervention
2024-04-29 17:46:27
Posted By :  Admin1



Bengaluru: A woman in her fifties experienced a cardiac arrest while at a polling booth located in the city's Jumbo Savari Dinne, JP Nagar, 8th Phase, on Friday. Fortunately, her life was saved by the quick intervention of Dr. Ganesh Srinivasa Prasad, who happened to be present in the queue waiting to cast his vote at booth No. 210 around 9 am. Dr. Prasad, a 36-year-old nephrologist from Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, currently working at Narayana Health Centre in Bommasandra, noticed the woman collapsing as she was attempting to get water from a can at the booth. Recognizing the severity of the situation, he immediately sprang into action, performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) to revive her. In an interview with TNIE, Dr. Prasad recounted the moment, stating that upon assessing the woman's condition, he couldn't detect a pulse and observed her struggling to breathe. Without hesitation, he administered CPR until her condition stabilized, ultimately saving her life. Dr. Prasad emphasized the critical timing of his intervention, stating, "Had there been any delay in attending to her, she would have lost her life." He further explained, "Vasovagal Syncope could have been a triggering factor for the cardiac arrest. Upon examination, her heart had stopped beating. Various factors such as anxiety, heat stroke, or even fear induced by medical procedures like injections, can precipitate this condition." Dr. Prasad's academic background includes studying MBBS in Andhra Pradesh, followed by completing his Doctorate in National Board (DrNB) Nephrology at Narayana Health Centre. After two years of service in Tumakuru, he joined the Narayana Health Centre two years ago. The incident gained widespread attention after Dr. Prasad shared videos of the rescue on social media platform X. Numerous individuals, responding to his posts and coverage by TNIE, praised Dr. Prasad's swift action and emphasized the importance of CPR training for the general public.


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