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11-Month-Old Baby in Thiruvananthapuram Undergoes Successful Adrenal Tumour Surgery
2024-03-27 10:43:53
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Thiruvananthapuram: KIMSHEALTH doctors successfully conducted minimally invasive surgery to remove a tumor from the adrenal gland of an 11-month-old child from Kollam who had been experiencing incessant crying. Dr. Sanuja Titus Santosh, Senior Consultant in the Department of Pediatrics, diagnosed the tumor with ultrasound, and further confirmed it with a CT scan. The tumor was situated on the right adrenal gland, above the right kidney, near major blood vessels and the liver. Using the Posterior Retroperitoneoscopic Method, the medical team removed the tumor through a small keyhole incision on the baby's back while she lay prone under anesthesia, completing the surgery in two and a half hours. This approach allowed the surgery to be performed without entering the abdomen or disturbing surrounding organs. According to Dr. Reju Joseph Thomas, senior consultant pediatric minimal access surgeon, the child was able to eat and drink on the same evening and was sitting up and playing the very next day.

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