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Junior doctors at VIMSAR threaten to strike over delayed stipend payments
2024-03-11 10:48:18
Posted By :  Admin1


The junior doctors at Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Science And Research (VIMSAR) are threatening to go on a cease-work strike due to pending stipends and other irregularities, potentially stalling healthcare services. If their demands are not met by March 13, the doctors plan to initiate the strike. They claim that the institute's large-scale financial irregularities have led to months of unpaid stipends for the junior doctors. According to reports, the doctors staged a gherao of the institute's Dean, Professor Jayashree Dora, on Thursday to push for their demands. Despite a lengthy discussion, the deadlock persists. They adorned black badges on their hands and attributed their plight to the Dean. They presented a memorandum outlining a seven-point charter of demands to the Director of VIMSAR. A protesting doctor expressed concern over VIMSAR's lack of complete autonomy despite its granted status, citing the inconvenience of having exams conducted under Sambalpur University instead of by the institute itself. In response, Dean Jayashree Dora acknowledged the current arrangement but assured that VIMSAR aims to conduct its own exams soon. She highlighted the necessity for de-affiliation from Sambalpur University and subsequent permission from the NMC to enable the institute to conduct its exams independently. Dora mentioned that while the process may take some time, they are committed to completing all the formalities soon and conducting the exams at VIMSAR.

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