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Doctor from Tamil Nadu Offers Tips for Pregnant Women and Newborn Babies Amid Rising Temperatures
2024-04-30 17:52:29
Posted By :  Admin1



Salem: The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued warnings predicting the onset of heat wave to severe heat wave conditions in various regions, including Gangetic West Bengal, Sub-Himalayan West Bengal, North Odisha, East Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Rayalaseema, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry & Karaikal, and Kerala, spanning from April 27 to 28. In response to the impending heat wave, Dr. Anusuya, a pediatric specialist at the Arogya Women Center in Salem, Tamil Nadu, shared essential guidelines with ANI to help individuals cope and stay safe amidst the extreme temperatures. Emphasizing the importance of preventive measures, Dr. Anusuya recommended wearing breathable cotton clothing and refraining from outdoor activities between 10 am and 4 pm when the sun's rays are most intense. She advised increasing fluid intake through hydrating beverages such as buttermilk or tender coconut water, as well as consuming water-rich fruits like cucumber and watermelon to maintain proper hydration levels, especially for pregnant women. Furthermore, Dr. Anusuya cautioned against the risk of skin problems, including fungal infections, due to excessive sweating, underscoring the significance of opting for cotton attire to mitigate such concerns. For newborn babies, Dr. Anusuya underscored the importance of monitoring their urine output as a crucial indicator of hydration status. She advised mothers to be vigilant and note the frequency of their baby's urination, as reduced urine output could signal dehydration. Additionally, she recommended dressing newborns in cotton clothing and washing them two to three times a day to ensure comfort and hygiene. Addressing the needs of young children, Dr. Anusuya reiterated the necessity of avoiding outdoor activities during peak sun hours and opting for indoor play or shaded areas instead. She stressed the importance of increased water intake for children to prevent dehydration and maintain their well-being. Furthermore, the IMD's forecast indicates the continuation of heat waves to severe heat waves in the East and South Peninsula of India for the next five days, heightening the urgency for individuals to adhere to these precautionary measures to safeguard their health and well-being.


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