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Apollo Hospitals Achieves 7th JCI Accreditation
2024-04-29 16:35:57
Posted By :  Admin1



Apollo Hospitals Group recently announced that its flagship hospital, Apollo Greams Road, has been accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI) for the seventh consecutive time. This accreditation journey began in 2005 in Delhi, with various Apollo Hospitals locations subsequently following suit. Notably, in March 2024, the hospital in Chennai completed its 7th JCI reaccreditation, concurrently with the achievement of the same milestone by the Hyderabad hospital. In Bengaluru, the hospital attained its 6th JCI reaccreditation in October 2023. Kolkata's hospital accomplished its 5th JCI reaccreditation in September 2021, while in Ahmedabad, the hospital celebrated its 3rd JCI reaccreditation in June 2022. Additionally, Navi Mumbai achieved its 3rd JCI reaccreditation in December 2023, and the Apollo Proton Cancer Centre (APCC) completed its 2nd JCI reaccreditation in June 2023.

The JCI accreditation serves as a prestigious recognition for healthcare organizations that demonstrate strict adherence to rigorous standards of care. For Apollo Greams Road, this accreditation signifies a profound commitment to healthcare delivery, patient safety, quality of care, and effective leadership. To attain this accreditation, hospitals must adhere to 1,182 measurable outcomes, ensuring access to high-quality healthcare services for patients and underscoring a dedication to professional excellence among doctors.

Ms. Preetha Reddy, Vice Chairperson of Apollo Hospitals Group, expressed gratitude for the JCI accreditation, highlighting it as a testament to their dedication in delivering exceptional healthcare services. Each accreditation reinforces their promise to provide outstanding care. Joel A Roos, President of International Accreditation, Quality Improvement, and Patient Safety at Joint Commission International (JCI), extended congratulations to Apollo Hospitals for achieving this distinguished recognition.


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