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First Endo-Robotic Surgery Performed at Kochi Hospital on 75-Yr-Old Woman.
2024-02-08 10:52:55
Posted By :  Admin1


Kochi: Doctors at the VPS Lakeshore hospital achieved success by performing the inaugural endo-robotic surgery on a 75-year-old woman. This helped Devakiamma to eradicate her throat cancer and lead a healthy life. Despite being referred for palliative care, the doctors at Lakeshore Hospital devised a procedure, unreported in any medical journal, as the woman lacked comorbidities. After a thorough examination revealed no signs of the disease elsewhere in her body, Devakiamma expressed a desire to live a normal life and indulge in her favorite foods. This inspired the doctors to explore options for completely removing the tumor. Surgical oncologist (head & neck) of VPS Lakeshore, Dr. Shawn T Joseph, noted that while robotic technology is vital in reducing morbidity in head and neck surgery, the issue in this case arose from the robotic arms' inability to access the area below the voice box, where the patient had cancer at the beginning of the food pipe. Dr. Shawn then collaborated with Dr. Roy J Mukkada from the gastroenterology department to explore the possibility of working together using a combination of gastro endoscopic and robotic surgery, which they named "endo robotic surgery." Dr. Roy explained that the entire cancer-affected area was removed, and post-surgery, reconstruction was performed using tissue from the inner part of her cheek with the assistance of a robot. Despite the surgery taking nearly seven hours, the doctors are confident that in the future, they will be able to complete it in less than half the time. Dr. Shawn added that the patient is recovering well, and they are optimistic that with some more days of rehabilitation, she will be able to eat more comfortably. However, he also added that they can't completely rule out the recurrence of cancer in the future. "I am now much better and slowly able to eat and drink," told Devakiamma.

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