Faridabad: Amrita Hospital in Faridabad has achieved a milestone by successfully performing two pulmonary valve replacements using the Harmony Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve (TPV) system. The patients, a 42-year-old man and a 24-year-old woman, were both suffering from Tetralogy of Fallot, a rare heart condition. This procedure marks a significant advancement in cardiac care in India and Asia, as it eliminates the need for invasive open-heart surgery. Dr. S Radhakrishnan, Head of Pediatric Cardiology at Amrita Hospital, explained that Tetralogy of Fallot affects approximately one out of 2,500 newborns annually and can lead to life-threatening complications if left untreated. The Harmony valve provides a groundbreaking solution by replacing the faulty valve without the need for traditional surgery, offering patients a non-invasive and effective treatment option for their condition.
Dr. Sushil Azad, Principal Consultant of Pediatric Cardiology at Amrita Hospital in Faridabad, explained the Harmony TPV insertion procedure, which lasted two hours. This minimally invasive approach involved accessing the patient's leg vein and deploying the preloaded valve at the designated site, all without the need for open-heart surgery. The surgery was smooth and uncomplicated, ensuring rapid recovery with patients typically discharged within 2 days and free from scarring. Both patients are currently undergoing regular check-ups, with the first check-up scheduled one month after the procedure for both, followed by subsequent check-ups at six-month intervals, and annual check-ups thereafter
ന്യൂ ഡൽഹി: കഴിഞ്ഞ വർഷത്തെ വാസ്ക്കുലാർ സർജൻ ഓഫ് ദി ഇയർ അവാർഡ് സ്വന്തമാക്കി ഡോ. രാവുൽ ജിൻഡാൽ. ദി ഗ്ലോബൽ ഇന്ത്യൻസ് കോൺക്ലേവ് ആൻഡ് അവാർഡ്സ് (ജി.ഐ.സി.എ) ആണ് ഈ വിശിഷ്ട പുരസ്കാരം ഡോ. രാവുലിന് നൽകിയത്.
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