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Complimentary Hepatitis DNA Testing Initiative Launched by SGPGIMS.
2024-02-03 11:32:40
Posted By :  Admin1


Lucknow: The Department of Hepatology at Sanjay Gandhi Post Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS) is offering free DNA testing for Hepatitis B and RNA testing for Hepatitis C. The state government, under the national viral hepatitis control programme, will cover the expenses for these tests. Patients interested in accessing these services must register at the Hepatology OPD on Mondays and Fridays. Officials declared at the formal inauguration of the viral hepatitis treatment center on Tuesday that the Indian government has set a goal to eliminate Hepatitis C across the country by 2030. Hepatitis C, a liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus, is transmitted through contact with infected blood, including blood transfusions, the use of contaminated blood and blood products, unsterilized injections during medical procedures, and injection drug use. The absence of a vaccine leaves individuals vulnerable to the hepatitis C virus. According to estimates by the Union health ministry, more than 1.32 crore Indians are afflicted with hepatitis C, with Uttar Pradesh alone accounting for nearly 10 lakhs of these cases. Director of SGPGI, Prof R K Dhiman, spoke at the event, expressing his delight at the department's initiative. He anticipated that individuals dealing with Hepatitis B and C would find value in the free investigations and treatment facilities provided under this program. Previously, the exclusive provider of this facility in the city was King George’s Medical University. In Uttar Pradesh, there are seven such centers, and nationally, there are a total of 75. Patients benefit from free testing, saving Rs 3500-3800, as charged by the institute. This cost is less than 25% of what one would typically pay for the same test in the open market. A major concern lies in the uncertainty surrounding test outcomes in the private sector, leading to implications for treatment. This is primarily due to issues such as transportation, reagent quality, and the omission of confirmatory and verification stages

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