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Cyber Scam: Doctor in Kozhikode Loses ₹560,000 in Fake Marriage Ruse
2024-04-12 10:19:21
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Kozhikode: A retired doctor, who had advertised for a matrimonial alliance in a newspaper, fell victim to a fake marriage scheme. The perpetrators, identified as Irshana, Rafi, Majeed, and Sathar from Kanjangad in Kasaragod, initially contacted him over the phone and gained his trust during a personal meeting in Kozhikode. Subsequently, they manipulated him into giving them Rs 5,60,000 under the pretext of marriage expenses. The marriage was conducted two months ago at a lodge near the beach, where after the ceremony, the fraudsters absconded with all his jewelry and money. Despite the doctor's attempts to reach them on their phone, they remained unreachable. Afterward, the doctor lodged a complaint with the Nadakkavu Police. Authorities stated they have identified the culprits and are actively pursuing them to make arrests.

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