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Health Ministry Emphasizes the Requirement for Doctors to Specify Reasons When Prescribing Antibiotics
2024-01-19 21:39:48
Posted By :  Admin1


Government Issues Warning to Address Antibiotic Over-Prescription, Mandates Doctors to Include Indication/Reason/Justification in Prescriptions. In a recent letter, sources reveal that Dr. Atul Goel, the Director General of Health Services, has called upon doctors in medical colleges to include the exact indication/reason/justification when prescribing antimicrobials. Dr. Atul Goel, in his reminder, extends the directive beyond doctors to pharmacists, stressing the strict adherence to Schedule H and H1 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules and the necessity to dispense antibiotics exclusively upon presentation of valid prescriptions. According to a copy of the letter, it is imperative for doctors to specify the exact indication on their prescriptions when prescribing antimicrobials. In the letter, it is highlighted that the misuse and overuse of antimicrobials play a significant role in the rise of drug-resistant pathogens, and given the scarcity of new antibiotics in the Research & Development pipeline, the only viable option is the judicious use of antibiotics to forestall the development of resistance. As per government statements, Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) stands out as a paramount global public health threat. The letter reveals that bacterial Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) was directly attributed to 1.27 million global deaths in 2019, while an additional 4.95 million deaths were merely associated with drug-resistant infections. The letter asserts that Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) jeopardizes many of the advancements made in modern medicine. The letter asserts that Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) jeopardizes the achievements of modern medicine, posing a threat to the successful prevention and treatment of infections caused by resistant microbes. This, in turn, leads to prolonged illness and an increased risk of death. Additionally, treatment failures contribute to extended periods of infectivity, and the exorbitant cost of second-line drugs may lead to the inability to treat these diseases in many individuals. Highlighting the significance of medical colleges, Goel emphasizes in his letter that it serves as an appeal. He underscores that medical colleges play a crucial role not only in offering tertiary healthcare but also serve as educational hubs for the younger generation of doctors. Given this dual role, it becomes imperative for doctors at medical colleges to exemplify judicious use of antimicrobials. Goel stresses that this demonstration is vital for the next generation of doctors, who are anticipated to encounter the crisis in a more severe form. 


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