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NEET MDS 2024 Exam Rescheduled: To be conducted on March 18.
2024-01-22 17:37:14
Posted By :  Admin1


New Delhi: The National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) has rescheduled the exam date for the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Masters of Dental Surgery (NEET MDS) 2024. Originally planned for February 9, the exam has been rescheduled to March 18. Candidates can review the official notice on the NBEMS website at nbe.edu.in. The official notice by NBEMS states, "Following the receipt of DCI Letter No. DCI/Admission/Admsn/MDS/ Gen/999/2024-25/2024/6933 dated 08.01.2024 and MoHFW letter No. V.12025/158/2023-DE(Pt) dated 19.01.2024, the NEET-MDS 2024 examination, initially tentatively scheduled for 9th February 2024, has been officially rescheduled." The NEET-MDS 2024 is rescheduled to take place on March 18, 2024. The eligibility cut-off date for appearing in the NEET-MDS 2024 is March 31, 2024, as mentioned in the notice. Conducted on a computer-based platform at numerous test centers across India, the National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test for Masters of Dental Surgery (NEET MDS) serves as an eligibility-cum-ranking entrance exam for students aspiring to secure admission to various dental or MDS programs. Applicants holding a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) degree from an institute registered with the State Dental Council, possessing either provisional or permanent registration, are eligible to apply for the exam. Additionally, a mandatory one-year rotational internship at an approved and recognized dentistry college is a prerequisite. The NBEMS has also released the exam calendar for the year 2024. As per the official notice, the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test – postgraduate (NEET PG 2024) is scheduled for March 3. Additionally, the Foreign Medical Graduates Examination (FMGE 2024) December session is set for January 20, and the June session will take place on June 30, 2024. The FET exam is scheduled for February 18, while the NBEMS Diploma Practical Examination for the December 2023 session will take place in February/March. The DNB/DrNB Final Theory Examinations for the April 2024 session are set to take place on April 24, 25, 26, and 27 and the DNB-Post Diploma CET 2024 is scheduled for May 19.

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