The Magadi Road police apprehended a 44-year-old man, K.R. Sanjay, for allegedly deceiving cab drivers using counterfeit currency while impersonating a doctor. The arrest followed a complaint by cab driver Chandrashekhar M. from Kadri, who reported a loss of ₹10,500. Sanjay, masquerading as a doctor from a prestigious hospital, hired a cab from Bengaluru to Kadri, stopping for dinner at a hotel near Magadi Road. During the journey, he requested the driver's assistance in transferring ₹10,000 to his online account, promising cash payment. Chandrashekhar obliged, sending the money to a number provided by Sanjay, which turned out to be the online payment number of the hotel where they dined. After obtaining cash from the cashier by presenting the transaction as genuine, the accused handed over counterfeit currency to the cab driver and fled without settling the food bill. The police revealed that the accused even borrowed the driver's phone before escaping, leaving behind an old bag. The driver, waiting for the accused, eventually realized the deception and reported the incident to the police. Acting on the complaint, a team led by Inspector Raju G.P. traced the accused to his residence in Tambaram, Chennai, where they arrested him. Upon apprehension, the police seized 21 fake ₹500 notes and nine mobile phones valued at ₹90,000 from the accused. Although he claimed to practice Unani medicine, investigations found his certificates and documents to be counterfeit, currently under scrutiny. The accused confessed to similar fraudulent activities, with a pending cheating case at Siddapura police station in the city.
ഭുബനേശ്വർ: ഒഡീഷയിലെ ഗഞ്ചം ജില്ലയിൽ ഡോക്ടറെ ആത്മഹത്യ ചെയ്ത നിലയിൽ കണ്ടെത്തി. തൻ്റെ ഭാര്യ വീട്ടിലാണ് ഡോക്ടറെ ആത്മഹത്യ ചെയ്ത നിലയിൽ കണ്ടെത്തിയത്. ഡോ. സുരേന്ദ്ര നാഥ് രഥ് (51) ആണ് മരണപ്പെട്ടത്.
Dehradun: A third-year MBBS student, Kanuraj Singh from Dehradun, has been accused of intentional insult, using offensive words to insult the modesty of a woman, and physical assault.
Gurugram: Deshhit Foundation, in partnership with Artemis Hospital Gurugram, hosted a workshop aimed at raising awareness about tuberculosis prevention and causes. The event, held in commemoration of World TB Day under the theme "Towards Victory in TB," featured presentations by healthcare professionals including Dr. Arun Chaudhary Kotaru, Dr. Dheeraj Batheja, Dr. Sheeba Biswal, Dr. Vivek Gupta, and CSR Lead Dr. Sujata Soy, among others.
In-flight Medical Marvel: Doctors Perform On-the-Spot CPR to Revive 2-Year-Old Who Ceased Breathing
A 2 year old female child became blue and stopped breathing.
AIIMS New Delhi tweeted the incident on their official page and explains the incident
Originating from modest roots in Andhra Pradesh, India, Dr. Sajja's journey epitomizes perseverance and commitment.
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