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TSMC Establishes Two Panels to Combat Quackery
2024-04-16 10:00:04
Posted By :  Admin1


Hyderabad: The Telangana State Medical Council (TSMC) has established special committees to combat quackery within the medical profession, in accordance with Section 8 of the Telangana Medical Practitioners Registration Amended Act 10 of 2013. These committees, namely the special committee for anti-quackery and the legal committee, have been operational for about two weeks. Their primary task is to inspect hospitals, nursing homes, and other medical institutions to identify and address unethical practices. Following recent inspections, the TSMC has taken decisive action against offenders, filing police cases against quacks, doctors, and hospitals found supporting such malpractices. Additionally, notices have been issued to AYUSH authorities to take appropriate action against AYUSH doctors who prescribe allopathic medicines without authorization. TSMC President K Mahesh Kumar emphasized the growing public health risks associated with unqualified practitioners engaging in modern medicine and prescribing scheduled drugs. Consequently, the council has already filed 19 cases against quacks across the state, including in upscale areas like Banjara Hills and Film Nagar in Hyderabad. Furthermore, notices have been sent to approximately 20 doctors, several hospitals, and companies implicated in promoting quackery. The council has also lodged complaints with AYUSH authorities, urging them to address the issue of doctors with BAMS, BHMS, or BUMS degrees unlawfully prescribing allopathic medicine without an MBBS qualification.

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